About Us

Welcome to Aura Maya

Hi! I’m Maura Sacach and I am the Creator of AURA MAYA fashion. We promote unique indigenous textile designs from the Mayan highlands of Guatemala.

I was born in San Marcos La Laguna, on the shores of beautiful Lake Atitlan. I grew up wearing the traditional clothing (the ‘típico’) of our village, hand-woven by my mother on her traditional backstrap loom in our very humble home. I am Mayan. I am a weaver’s daughter. 

This is my amazing mother Catarina, weaving beautiful cloth using a traditional backstrap loom. Her craft has been handed down from mother to daughter through generations. At Aura Maya we honor this ancient Mayan craftsmanship and share our beautiful culture with you!

This is my amazing mother Catarina, weaving beautiful cloth using a traditional backstrap loom. Her craft has been handed down from mother to daughter through generations. At AURA MAYA we honor this ancient Mayan craftsmanship and share our beautiful culture with you!

The unique, high-quality designs of AURA MAYA are hand-crafted using a blend of 100% natural cotton, genuine leather, hand-embroidered textile masterpieces and hand-woven textiles that are lovingly made by our weavers using a traditional Mayan back-strap loom.

AURA MAYA provides fair work opportunities and a dignified living wage to the women weavers of our Mayan community. We appreciate socially aware and responsible customers who value authenticity and are drawn to the beauty of traditional Mayan textiles and culture.

It is my vision and privilege to share our Mayan culture with you and the world through the offerings of AURA MAYA. I am proud to present these beautiful hand-crafted clothes and accessories lovingly made with the hands and hearts of our AURA MAYA family.

Thank you for visiting and supporting AURA MAYA!

Many blessings.
Thank you! Gracias! Maltiox!
Maura 🤍